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Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2019

The Roots of Lisp

T hinking about a perfect structure for a perfect environment, each symbol representing many possibilities, each key has it’s own purpose and behavior in that context. The only limitations is the scope of the created structures. Lisp had defined a style in programming, with new possibilities for problem solving that takes the programmer out of the box, and brings a new point of view. But finally it is only an interpretation, a translation between human and machine, we may give sense to our perception by the usage of language and writing, this perception can be very complex or very simple, it can always depend on the observer and the given context… for example hardware, only understands voltage, the abstraction of a programming language goes into the process of becoming machine language, which are kind of voltage instructions for the millions of transistors inside a CPU, programming language has been limited by this context, the limitations are hardware dependent. New approaches with...

Rich Hickey on Clojure

It is a very good resource to create podcast in the internet radio, about programming, in the podcast of Rick Hickey, talks about the creation of Clojure, and its key elements that conforms the whole language, the uniqueness of the programming language is how the code is presented to the compiler, and play along the data structures of languages. The data literals are using all along, and the strong keyboard is the library to manipulate the AST. Also the creation of macros it uses native data structures and with help of the API of Clojure, such as the Sequence API, it helps the programmer to achieve faster solutions to certain problems. Its based on LISP, and it didn’t has been catches as a mainstream languages which was used more likely for scientific purposes and the creation of Clojure is an addition to the power of LISP but with more resources in order to increase their capability. The combination with sub-programms in Clojure helps the main feature of Clojure, and the importance o...

Dick Gabriel on Lisp

It is quite interesting how the path one take may be altered in a certain way of creation, it is not know that is going to happen in the future, or even what things we would do. Some key events on life brings us where we are right know, you could be a programmer but maybe in some future you will work with plants. Technology is present in all branches, in everything where ingenious and creation is. Working with other branch that is new to your context may improve some things around you, the fact of having more tools at your range may give some performance in what you are doing, in the case of Dick Gabriel, he talks on how technology had helped him. And the way LISP works is understandable if we look at the abstraction of its commitment. With LISP’s creation, programmers had improved in certain areas of computer science, such as AI. With this creation had come an important revolution that had change certain paradigms that programmers lived in. Languages… like LISP has the struc...